University of Exeter
Tools for Schools IN-hub
University of Exeter
How did we make these strategies/where do these come from?

All the strategies were designed using a scientific process called “Intervention Mapping” We gathered information from three main areas:

We did a survey with the groups of people listed above to understand what the most important targets would be and therefore what the modules should be.

We made a very detailed list of what we wanted the toolkit to achieve for each module, linking this to what positive changes we hope this would result in for the student in the short term and the long term.

We then mapped every ‘bit’ of behaviour we would need to change to do this. We split this into the types of people who would need to do something differently, with the focus of supporting the student to reduce the problems their traits are causing them, rather than trying to fix what is essentially a personality trait.

For each bit of behaviour, we considered whether the person would need to improve skills, knowledge, beliefs or attitudes.

We then used something called a “taxonomy” (like a dictionary or encyclopedia) of ways that we know people change behaviour to identify the best ways to design a strategy to achieve the “behaviour bit”, for example whether to include an activity, a video, a quiz or flow charts and decision trees.

We designed the first ideas for all the strategies and the teacher instructions, then we talked about them with those real people we listed above, to get their feedback and suggested changes. We incorporated these and then developed the resources to go with them.