University of Exeter
Tools for Schools
It’s good to be me

It’s good to be me

Key Points

This activity is to help your students to understand that everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and that this variety is good and that we need not be critical of people’s individual weaknesses

How is this tweaked for flex?

Children who flex is designed for may have very poor self-esteem, and feel like they have no positive values. This strategy helps them to see their strengths, and see the range of strengths that others have as well

  • The idea is to support your students to understand that
    1. everyone has strengths and things they consider to be weaknesses
    2. because humans are social creatures, as a group we are stronger when we embrace those differences!
    3. therefore we should not be critical of individual weaknesses
  • There is a classroom activity and experiment, then it’s over to you to remind your students of the learning and use them again when necessary
  • Look at the lesson plan and decide if you need to change it to suit your class and their requirements
  • You will need some breadsticks!
  • Use the lesson plan with your students to play bingo (see cards below) and do a breadstick experiment, and have them work through the what’s good about me worksheet (younger and older student versions)
  • Use the superhero powers poster template to add your students’ names to the superhero power that they each have, get students to draw their own heroes to stick on the poster, and put this up in the classroom
  • Use the reflection template to think about what your students understood and applied in this activity
  • What are your concerns about focussing on strengths and embracing individual differences?
  • This activity is about starting to build a change of attitude. How will you ensure this carries on in your class?
  • Plan in reminders for the next few weeks to make sure students continue to see the strengths of their classmates