University of Exeter IN-hub
Support IN-hub

Over 1.6 million children have some kind of special educational need or disability (SEND) in England. 1.2 million pupils in schools in England have SEND but no EHC plan. Despite teachers good intentions, many report feeling overwhelmed and underinformed about how to support students in their classrooms.

IN-hub wants to change this and make things easier for teachers.

Donate to keep IN-hub updated

At IN-hub, we want to make sure teachers have up-to-date access to resources they can trust. However, we have limited funding and time to do so.

Donations made to IN-hub can help us keep IN-hub going so that more teachers can easily find resources that can help them and neurodivergent pupils in schools. It can also help us to provide a voice for teachers and neurodivergent people on the importance of championing equal opportunities in education for pupils with SEND.

What will my gift do?
can pay a neurodivergent person or teacher to ensure the hub is accessible to all.
could help us add a new resource to the hub and pay a teacher for their time to help us evaluate it.
can help us purchase some resources to set up a “try before you buy” library for teachers to use resources before investing in them.

To donate to IN-hub, follow the link below to the university’s central donations page. On this page, please specify that you would like to donate to “IN-hub – Dr Abby Russell” to ensure that your gift makes it to us.

Donate now

Other ways you can support IN-hub

Share helpful resources with us

Do you know of any great tools or resources that school staff can use to support neurodivergent students?

We’d love to hear about them so that we can add them to our site and share with teachers.

Please let us know about any resources by filling out the form below!

Let us know about resources you use

Help us evaluate resources

Teachers have shared that hearing feedback from other teachers about a resource helps them decide if a resource is a good fit for their classroom, school or students.

By recording your honest opinions about a resource you’ve used, you can help fellow educators in finding the right tools for them.

If you have experience in education and would like to help us evaluate resources, please email: